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Russia Ukraine Impact On gaming. As we all know that Russia Ukraine conflict had made a huge impact on the world. Many countries and industries get affected, so the gaming industry too got affected by this conflict between two countries. 1. Apex Legends legends mobile soft launch delayed. With no doubt, apex legends is one of the best battle royale games. It was originally released on PC now it is making the move to release on mobile tablets android, ios. But due to russian invasion on ukraine, the release date of apex legends mobile has changed to 7th March. 2. Battlefield Mobile special beta test delayed. Due to current world event the BETA test of Battlefield Mobile has been delayed which was supposed to take place this week. Now according to some non official sources. It will take place later this month.  3 . GSE and 4A games postponed all their projects. Stalker 2 and Metro Series developer GSC and 4A games have delayed all their projects, they have an office in Ukraine. So the se

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